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Как посмотреть ответ: ИНСТРУКЦИЯ

Mary had therapy sessions. She found out that the psychologist sent copies of her case notes to the insurance carrier responsible for reimbursement and that therapist should not have revealed this information. Client reported psychologist to the APA Ethics Committee for violating confidentiality principles. Psychologist explained to Ethics Committee that any client understands that their confidentiality may be breached when using an insurance company for third-party reimbursement due to administrative and professional peer review. Nonetheless, psychologist never informed client of this risk before therapy began, rather, he assumed client “must understand” the protocol. Think of the Ethics Committee adjudication.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор • с выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов

The Ethics Committee determined that psychologist didn’t violate the confidentiality ethical standard by not informing client of the limits of confidentiality prior to treatment

The Ethics Committee determined that psychologist violated the confidentiality ethical standard by not informing client of the limits of confidentiality prior to treatment

The Ethics Committee determined that psychologist didn’t violate the confidentiality ethical standard as there is non-confidentiality prior to treatment

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